Monday, March 7, 2011
Long May You Run: The Social Network of Neil Young
Journalist and biographer Jimmy McDonough wrote a 2002 biography of Neil Young . The book seems to have met with mixed reviews, but it has much detail about Neil's early years as an artist. Here are the names appearing in that book.
The Social Network of Neil Young (from Shakey: Neil Young's biography, by Jimmy McDonough, Random House, 2002)
Susan Acevedo
Roy Acuff
Joe Adams
Lou Adler
Jeffrey C Alexander
Craig Allan
David Allan
Craig Allen
Joe Allen
Ralph Allen
Steve Allen
Jerry Allison
Kevin Allman
Mark Andes
Lee Andrews
Steve Antoine
Anthony Aquilato
Ann Arbor
Henry Armetta
Louise Armstrong
Bob Ashley
Jim Atkin
Chet Atkins
Louie Avilla
Michael Azerrad
Randy Bachman
Francis Bacon
Lyndon Baines
Marty Balin
Hank Ballard
Johnny Barbata
Pete Barber
Allen Bates
Les Baxter
Jones Beach
Jeff Beck
Charlie Beesley
Bryan Bell
John Belushi
William Bendix
Lee Berner
Joel Bernstein
Leonard Bernstein
Joel Bernstein
Bruce Berry
Chuck Berry
Ken Berry
Pierre Berton
Nancy Beyda
Dick Biondi
Lou Bisbal
Jeff Blackburn
Elliot Blinder
Andy Bloch
Michael Bloomfield
Mike Bloomfield
Judy Blue
David Blumberg
Sonny Bono
David Booie
Frank Booth
Bruce Botnick
Monica Boulevard
Graham Bowen
John Bowen
David Bowie
Sonny Boy
Bob Bradburn
Tom Bray
Lenny Breau
John Breckow
David Briggs
Neville Brothers
James Brown
Ruth Brown
Jackson Browne
Lenny Bruce
Roy Buchanan
Peter Buck
Richard Buckner
Jim Bunte
Gary Burden
Johnny Burnette
William S Burroughs
James Burton
George Bush
Ernie Bushmiller
Paul Butterfield
Marilyn Buzolich
Larry Byrom
Claude Cailliet
June Callwood
John Calley
June Callwood
Stephen Calt
Hamilton Camp
Doug Campbell
Mary Campbell
Bruce Cannon
Clark Caravan
Kim Carnes
Johnny Carson
Jimmy Carter
Gerald V Casale
Johnny Cash
David Cassidy
Sandy Castle
William Castle
Vicki Cavaleri
Nick Cave
Allen Chance
Dorothy Chandler
David Chapman
Tracy Chapman
Bobby Charles
Ray Charles
Robert Charles
Jesus Christ
Robert Christgau
Eric Clapton
Bob Clark
Dick Clark
Allan Clarke
Steve Clarke
Michael Clarke
Bob Clearmountain
Dan Clear
Dave Cline
Kurt Cobain
Allan Coe
Leonard Cohen
Scott Cohen
Ray Coleman
Judy Collins
John Coltrane
Perry Como
Bobby Comstock
John Conlee
Sam Cooke
Dan Coryo
Bill Cosby
John Cougar
Danny Cox
Dan Coyro
Larry Cragg
John Craig
Floyd Cramer
Les Crane
Anthony Crawford
Giles Cripplegate
David Cronenberg
Steve Cropper
David Crosby
Terry Crosby
Santa Cruz
Jose Cuervo
Ian Curtis
Sonny Curtis
Bruce Van Dalsem
Matt Damsker
Rick Danko
Bobby Darin
Mark David
John Davidson
Beverly Davies
Gary Davis
Martin Davis
Richard Davis
Rick Davis
Jason DeParle
James Dean
John Dean
Brenda Decker
Ray Dee
Jimmy Dehr
Ray Delatinsky
Jonathan Demme
Ron Denend
John Denver
Wim Van Der Linden
Real Design
Neil Diamond
Jimmy Dickens
Barry Dickins
Roland Diehl
Henry Diltz
Frank Dimidio
Pete Doggett
Debbie Donovan
Stanley Dorfman
Jimmy Dorsey
Tom Dowd
Robert Downey
Danny Doyle
Charley Drayton
Pete Droge
Tim Drummond
Dave Dunton
Walter Dwayne
Van Dyke
Bob Dylan
Linda Eastman
Craig Eaton
Bill Edmunsen
Bill Edmunsen
Gene Eichelberger
John Einarson
Mary Eisenhart
Ralph Emery
Terry Erickson
Terry Erikson
Ahmet Ertegun
Steve Espinola
Mike Espy
June Fairchild
Perry Farrell
Penny Farthing
Greg Feldman
Richard Fernandez
Dave Ferrin
Bryan Ferry
Bernie Fiedler
Jeannie Field
Anton Fig
Stephanie Fillingham
Scott Fitzgerald
Bill Flanagan
Monica Flyer
Monica Flyers
Larry Flynt
Jane Fonda
Shannon Forbes
John Ford
Jim Forderer
Ken Forssi
Charles Foster
Tim Foster
Dennis Fowler
Manuel Frank
Trent Frayne
Alan Freed
Glenn Frey
Barry Friedman
Diana Frost
Robert Frost
John Fumo
Mike Gallagher
David Gans
Judy Garland
David Gates
David Geffen
Guillermo Giachetti
Don Gibson
Holly Gleason
Beverly Glen
Johnny Glowa
Arthur Godfrey
Ann Godoff
Dave Gold
Barry Goldberg
Danny Goldberg
Albert Goldman
Jim Gordon
Kim Gordon
Al Gore
Carl Gottlieb
Henry Gradstein
Bill Graham
Sheila Graham
George Grantham
Billy Gray
Al Green
Charles Greene
Charlie Greene
Robert Greenfield
Harold Greer
Earl Grey
Rudolph Grey
Laura Gross
Albert Grossman
Charles Guidry
Peter Guralnick
Woody Guthrie
Van Halen
John Hanlon
Glen Hardin
Tim Hardin
Mark Harmon
Jack Harper
John Harris
Gary Hart
John Hartmann
Doug Hastings
Craig Hayes
Jay Hayes
Patty Hearst
Chris Heath
George Hedges
Betsy Heimann
Sarah Heldman
Jimi Hendrix
James Henke
Jim Henke
Don Henley
George Herms
Tom Hibbert
Kelvin High
Lawrence High
Miles High
Robert Hilburn
Henry Hill
Sam Hill
Chris Hillman
Paul Hilton
Karl Himmel
John Hinckley
Willie B Hinds
Anna Hinterkopf
Jimmy Hoffa
Margaret Hogan
Mac Holberg
Mac Holbert
Patrice Holloway
Betty Home
Robin Hood
Neil Hoogstratten
Lee Hooker
Jerry Hopkins
Dennis Hopper
Tom Horricks
Howard Hughes
John Hunter
Bob Hurwitz
Danny Hutton
Billy Idol
Bill Inglot
Al Jackson
Michael Jackson
Ron Jacobs
Mick Jagger
James Jamerson
Rick James
Ricky James
Skip James
Marie Janisse
Bert Jansch
Jim Jarmusch
Dean Jensen
Jim Jerome
Tony Joe
Billy Joel
Michael John
Richard O Johnny
Don Johnson
James Johnson
Ken Johnson
Larry Johnson
Pete Johnson
Robert Johnson
Stanley Johnson
Larry Johnson
Allan Jones
Brian Jones
George Jones
Lee Jones
Tom Jones
Janis Joplin
Steve Jordan
Jim Kale
John Kalodner
Paul Kantner
Richard Kaplan
Mike Katchmar
Roger Katz
John Kay
Carole Kaye
Ben Keith
Louie Kelly
Jim Keltner
Mark Kemp
John F Kennedy
Robert Kennedy
Nick Kent
Gary Kenton
Jerome Kern
Kathy Kerr
Julie Kershaw
Lee Kershaw
Rusty Kershaw
Ken Kesey
Johnny Kidd
Gary Kincade
Carole King
Sally Kirkland
Bruce Kitzmeyer
Calvin Klein
Ken Koblun
David Koepp
Al Kooper
John Kopf
Danny Kortchmar
Greg Kot
Allan Kowbel
Lenny Kravitz
Richard Kughn
Richard P Kughn
Dean Kuipers
Russ Kunkel
Larry Kurzon
Joe Lala
Jon Landau
Robin Lane
Nicolette Larson
Kevyn Lauritzen
Dale Lawrence
Larry Lear
Arthur Lee
Brenda Lee
Jerry Lee
John Lee
Mary Lee
Richard Lee
Russell Lee
Craig Leibner
John Lennon
Sergio Leone
David Letterman
Jerry Lewis
Lee Lewis
Peter Lewis
Gordon Lightfoot
Peter Lindstrom
Mark Linn
Art Linson
Joshua Lionel
Bud Lite
Frank Lloyd
John Locke
Kurt Loder
Nils Lofgren
Jack London
Pete Long
Courtney Love
Jim Love
Linda Lovelace
Penny Lowe
Dick Ludwig
Martin Luther
David Lynch
Dewey Lyndon
Mark Lyons
Stewart MacPherson
Judy Mack
Elizabeth Main
Paul Makos
Leo Makota
Mark Manor
Charles Manson
Richard Manuel
Greil Marcus
Lester Markham
Larry Markiegard
Dave Marsh
Don Marshall
Jim Marshall
Dewey Martin
Hank Marvin
Hank B Marvin
Henry Mason
Jean Matan
Stuart Matranga
James Matthews
Tom May
Carole Mayedo
Susan Mayer
Sally Mayrose
Elliot Mazer
Jim Mazzeo
Sandy Mazzeo
Sam McBride
Linda McCartney
Paul McCartney
Linda McCartney
Bob McConnell
James McCracken
Marci McDonald
Jimmy McDonough
Joe McDonough
John McDonough
Kate McDonough
Allan McDougall
Allen McDougall
Jack McDowell
Dave McFarlin
Roger McGuinn
Jon McKeig
Joe McKenna
John McKieg
Murray McLauchlan
Bryan McLean
Ed McMahon
Randy McNutt
Richard Meltzer
Harold Melvin
Manuel Mendoza
Jose Mercury
Jim Messina
Russ Meyer
Jef Michael
Dwayne Midkiff
Glenn Miller
Jerry Miller
Mitch Miller
Jeff Miller
Andy Milligan
Ron Milner
Sal Mineo
Chuck Mitchell
Guy Mitchell
Joni Mitchell
Justin Mitchell
Joni Mitchell
Barbara Molina
Ralph Molina
Chip Monck
Sonny Mone
Santa Monica
Bill Monroe
Ralph Mooney
Kim Morgan
Bobby Morris
Jerry Morris
Leslie Morris
William Morris
Van Morrison
Jim Morrison
Leslie Morris
Connie Moskos
Bob Mosley
Mark Mothersbaugh
Monica Mountains
Michael Moynihan
Tim Mulligan
Rick Mundell
Billy Mundi
Jesus Murphy
David Myers
Ralph Nader
Jerry Napier
Graham Nash
Jill Nees
Fred Neil
June Nelson
Ricky Nelson
Willie Nelson
Alfred E Newman
Randy Newman
Geoff Nicholsohn
Geoff Nicholson
Carole Nicksin
Jack Nitzsche
Jimmy Nolan
Oliver North
Bobby Notkoff
John Nowland
Annie Oakley
Phil Ochs
Martin Onrot
Barbara Orbison
Roy Orbison
Irwin Osher
Scott Oxman
Jack Paar
Stan Pachter
Jimmy Page
Anita Pallenberg
Bruce Palmer
Glenn Palmer
Bruce Palmer
Rick Palombi
Jon Pareles
Don Paris
Grant Park
Lawrence Park
Charlie Parker
Tom Parker
Jack Paterson
Lee Patterson
Les Paul
Jim Paulsen
Les Paul
Johnny Paycheck
David Peck
Max Penner
Neil Percival
Frank Perry
Phil Perspective
Gary Petersen
Randy Peterson
Ray Peterson
Tom Petty
Liz Phair
Phil Phillips
Michael Piehler
Michael Pielher
Monica Pier
Tony Pig
Matt Piucci
Robert Plant
Tim Pope
Donna Port
Jeff Posternak
Elvis Presley
Pat Quinn
Elliot Rabinowitz
Kit Rachlis
Bill Ragland
Robert Ragland
Bonnie Raitt
Walter Raleigh
Harris Ranch
Don Randi
Danny Ray
Hal Ray
David Rea
Ronald Reagan
Helen Reddy
Jimmy Reed
Lou Reed
Jimmy Reed
Greg Reeves
Alex Reid
Gary Reid
Mitchell Reid
James Reilly
Daniel Rembert
Gary Renzetti
Paul Revere
Bill Rhodes
Cliff Richard
Keith Richards
Kelly Richards
John Richie
Brendan O Rick
Jack Riddell
Jerry Ripley
Mary Jo Robert
Elliot Roberts
Ben Rocco
Sergeant Rock
Will Rock
Knute Rockne
John Rockwell
Norman Rockwell
Juan Rodriguez
Nicolas Roeg
Roy Rogers
Sid Rogers
Will Rogers
Murray Roman
Linda Ronstadt
Barrett Roofing
Rick Rosas
Tim Rose
Ron Rosenbaum
Eddie Rosenblatt
Stan Ross
Tim Roth
Paul Rothchild
Johnny Rotten
Mark Rowland
Rick Rubin
Alan Rudolph
Damon Runyon
Jim Russell
Leon Russell
Bobby Rydell
Mitch Ryder
Terry Sachen
Amy Salit
Frank Sampedro
Chris Sarns
Tony Scherman
Al Schmidt
Timothy B Schmit
Karen Schneider
Karen Schoemer
Paul Schrader
Tony Schwartz
Bud Scoppa
Martin Scorsese
Jack Scott
Jimmy Scott
Pete Seeger
Hubert Selby
Fred Severson
Paul Shaffer
Bernard Shakey
Del Shannon
David Sheff
Morris Shepard
Jim Sheridan
Scott Shields
Allen Show
Jones Show
Dave Sigler
Joe Simon
Judith Sims
Frank Sinatra
Harry Sitam
Lee Sklar
Neil Skok
Grace Slick
Joe Smith
Linda Smith
Pam Smith
Pat Smith
Ken Smythe
Carolyn Snodgress
Harry Snodgress
Hank Snow
Howard Solomon
Andrew Solt
Phil Spector
Irwin Spiegal
Mickey Spillane
David Sprague
Bruce Springsteen
Johnny Spud
Jennifer Starkey
Don Steele
Chris Stein
Bob Sterne
Linda Stevens
Gary Stewart
Martin Stewart
Rod Stewart
Stephen Stills
Michael Stipe
Annie Stocking
Dean Stockwell
Brian Stone
Ron Stone
Jim Sullivan
Donna Summer
Wendy Swanson
Matthew Sweet
Adam Sweeting
Billy Talbot
Ellen Talbot
Johnnie Talbot
Johnny Talbot
Laurie Talbot
Russ Tamblyn
Mark Taper
Eddie Taylor
Harry Taylor
James Taylor
Jonathan Taylor
Skip Taylor
Vicky Taylor
Bruce Tergesen
Sonny Terry
Joe Thibodeaux
Danny Thomas
Mike Thomas
Miles Thomas
Richard Thompson
Tom Thumb
Russ Titleman
Peter O Toole
Pete Townshend
Bruce Tracy
Dick Tracy
Bill Trebilcoe
Sal Trentino
Leo Trombetta
Angela Trotta
Ernest Tubb
Danny Tucker
Tanya Tucker
Gene Tunney
Gregg Turkington
Joe Turner
Mary Turner
Willie Tyler
Ian Tyson
Edgar G Ulmer
Fred Underhill
Steve Vai
Bruce Van Dalsem
Dave Van Rank
Eddie Van Halen
Ronnie Van Zant
Jimmy Vapor
Chris Varez
Eddie Vedder
Suzanne Vega
Pat Vegas
Sid Vicious
Johnny Vidor
Gene Vincent
Ken Viola
Steve Virone
Marcia Vlasic
Mark Volman
Son Volt
Larry Wah
Jeff Wald
Johnny Walker
Joe Walsh
John Wanless
Allen Ward
Jeff Ward
Robin Ward
Robert Ward
Andy Warhol
Donna Warner
Lenny Waronker
Ray Waser
Jeff Waukert
John Wayne
Jack Weaver
Eric Weisbard
Bobby West
Leslie West
Jerry Wexler
Billy Wheeler
Barry White
Joe White
Joshua White
George Whitsell
Leon Whitsell
Danny Whitten
Ray Whitten
Danny Whitten
Jimmy Wickett
Lynn Wilkes
Tom Wilkes
Hank Williams
Larry Williams
Paul Williams
Robin Williams
Victoria Williams
Paul Williamson
Hank Williams
Bruce Willis
Bob Wills
Bill Wilner
Brian Wilson
Dennis Wilson
Van Winkle
Irwin Winkler
Steve Winwood
Maria Wirtanen
Nathan Wirth
Debbie Wisdom
Ed Wood
Ron Wood
Woody Woodbury
Betty Wright
Lloyd Wright
Andrew Wylie
Joe Yankee
Terry Yorio
Ben Young
Bob Young
Jean Young
Neil Young
Scott Young
Susan Young
Zeke Young
Dave Zimmer
Paul Zollo
Frank Zychowitz
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friends Across the Bridge: The Social Network of Satyajit Ray
Social networks in the online world tend to reinforce the barriers that exist between groups - an insight previously discussed by researchers such as Danah Boyd. Many individual cultural figures also seem to exert influence within narrow communities rather than bridge divides between communities. Today we look at an exception, the network of the master Indian Bengali filmaker, Satyajit Ray, who seems to have lived a life on a bridge between western and eastern cultures.
In hindsight, I should have not been surprised by the challenges in compiling a social network dataset for cultural figures that live on the bridges between east and west. (This blog is part of my current pet project, which I still need a name for). Bridge figures bring a challenge of the diverse and multicultural nature of naming issues that exist in practical social network analysis.
Today's data comes from the biography of the late, master filmmaker Satyajit Ray. The biography was written by Andrew Robinson and published in 1989 by I.B. Tauris & Co. The book opens with an explanation of the Bengali pronunciation of ‘Satyajit Ray’, which it is noted is phonetically close to ‘Shottojeet Rye’. The many Indian proper names throughout the book blew away my previous set of proper names which was originally derived from the standard unix file /usr/share/dict/propernames. From various web sources I was able to collect and process lists of Indian names, and these lists approximately doubled the size of the proper names file I now am using. I use this file of proper name to filter the text from electronic biographies and memoirs – my methodology for beginning the build of social network sets for culturally significant figures. Below are my results.
The Social Network of Satyajit Ray (from Satyajit Ray: The Inner Eye: The Biography of a Master Film-Maker by Andrew Robinson.)
David Abraham
Peter Ackroyd
Kamala Adhikari
Mohan Agashe
Roshan Ali
Woody Allen
Tom Alter
Lindsay Anderson
Nigel Andrews
David Ansen
Will Apu
Rudolf Arnheim
Alex Aronson
Peggy Ashcroft
Janet Aston
Richard Attenborough
Ray Bijoya
Kamal Babu
Nanda Babu
Lord Bacon
Satish Bahadur
Krishna Bai
Chandana Banerjee
Nikhil Banerjee
Kali Banerjee
Victor Banerjee
Ratan Banerjee
Ajit Banerjee
Felix Barker
Jyoti Basu
Ananda Bazar
Amrita Bazar
Paul Beckley
Shyam Benegal
Jaya Bhaduri
Henry Biswas
Ray Bizarre
Dilip Bose
Chandra Bose
Kaveri Bose
Nitin Bose
Krishna Bose
Ray Bradbury
Alan Brien
Peter Brook
Gautama Buddha
Ian Buruma
Francis X Bushman
Luis Bunuel
Maria Callas
Vincent Canby
Marcel Carne
Michael Carritt
Lewis Carroll
Gautam Chakravarti
Ujjal Chakravarti
Prem Chand
Subhash Chandra
Charlie Chaplin
Nilima Chatterjee
Chandra Chatterjee
Anil Chatterjee
Kalyan Chatterjee
Sanjiv Chatterjee
Jyoti Chatterjee
Bijoy Chatterjee
Siddhartha Chatterjee
Ray Chaudhuri
Narayan Chowdhury
Anil Chowdhury
Bhaskar Chowdhury
Roy Chowdhury
Ray Chowdhury
Jesus Christ
Jean Christopher
Norman Clare
Arthur C Clarke
James Coburn
Jay Cocks
John Coleman
Ronald Colman
Arthur Conan
Ananda Coomaraswamy
Jim Corbett
Julian Crandall
Arlene Croce
Lord Curzon
Lord Dalhousie
Uma Das
Ray Das
Nalini Das
Siddhartha Deb
Anita Desai
Andre Deutsch
Indira Devi
Santa Devi
Padma Devi
Joe Devlin
Gopal Dey
Gita Dey
Rabindra Dharmaraj
Ray Dickens
Clare Dubois
Krishna Dutta
Asim Dutta
Chandra Dutta
Norman Ellis
Stuart Evans
Joseph Fayrer
George Fenton
Priya Films
Robert Flaherty
Henry Fonda
John Ford
Roger Fry
Jean Gabin
Sanjay Gandhi
Indira Gandhi
Anil Ganguli
Sunil Ganguli
Rama Ganguli
John Gassner
Kumar Ghosal
Subhash Ghosal
Gautam Ghosh
John Gilbert
Don Giovanni
Walter Goodman
Lenny Gordon
Graham Greene
Paul Greenough
John Gross
Arjun Guha
Sunil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Robert Hardcastle
Edward Harrison
Hari Helen
Audrey Hepburn
King Hirak
Byron Hopper
Jack Hulbert
John Huston
Christopher Isherwood
James Ivory
Lester James
Suresh Jindal
Roland Joffe
Barry John
William Jones
Jennifer Jones
James Joyce
Raj Kahini
Jennifer Kapoor
Shashi Kapoor
Anna Karenina
Kalyani Karlekar
Stanley Kauffman
Jennifer Kendal
Amir Khusru
Ravi Kiran
Kajal Kohl
David Kopf
Uma Krupanidhi
Stanley Kubrick
Sanjeev Kumar
Prabhat Kumar
Kamal Kumar
Hari Kumar
Roshan Kumari
Akash Kusum
Henry Lawrence
David Lean
Edward Lear
Simon Legree
Tom Lehrer
Pierre Lenoir
Jerry Lewis
Roger Lipsey
Harold Lloyd
Joseph Losey
Eugene Lourie
Sidney Lumet
Claude Levi-Strauss
Michael Madhusudan
Chandra Mahalanobis
Indrani Majumdar
Kamal Majumdar
Kumar Majumdar
Lila Majumdar
Mohan Majumdar
Rabin Majumdar
Robin Majumdar
Samir Majumdar
Swapan Majumdar
Derek Malcolm
Louis Malle
Ranjit Mallick
Gerard Manley
Ray Marquand
Richard Marquand
Anthony Mayer
John McCarten
David McCutchion
James McFarlane
William McGonagall
Steve McQueen
George Melly
Victoria Memorial
Narayana Menon
Michael Meyer
George Michell
Arthur Miller
John Mills
Tom Milne
Leela Mishra
Kamal Misra
Kamal Mitra
Ananda Mohan
William Morris
Gene Moskowitz
Max Mueller
Anil Mukherjee
Arun Mukherjee
Kumar Mukherjee
Manu Mukherjee
Pradip Mukherjee
Prasad Mukherjee
Ramesh Mukherjee
Samir Mukherjee
Sankar Mukherjee
Sita Mukherjee
Subhash Mukherjee
Swapan Mukherjee
Vijaya Mulay
Amar Mullick
Ram Nam
Narendra Nath
Bharata Natyam
Devi Neogy
Alexander Nevsky
Philip Oakes
Morris Oxford
Peter Palmer
Ramakrishna Paramahansa
William Paul
Lester Peries
James Peries
Michael Powell
Bonnie Prince
Frances W Pritchett
Durga Puja
Om Puri
John Pym
James Quinn
Tim Radford
Terrence Rafferty
Amrit Rai
Raja Rammohun
Shanta Rao
Bharat Ratna
Rama Rau
Sandip Ray
Ray Ray
Lila Ray
Vicky Redwood
Jean Renoir
Eric Rhode
Donald Richie
Andrew Robinson
David Robinson
Romain Rolland
Ray Roman
Helen Ross
Roberto Rossellini
Paul Rotha
Richard Roud
Ray Roy
Dilip K Roy
Arun Roy
Indira Roy
Sandhya Roy
Kumar Roy
John Russell
Kalidasa Sanskrit
Kumar Sarkar
Sunil Sarkar
Kali Sarkar
Martin Scorsese
Peter Sellers
David Selznick
Robin Sen
Gopal Sen
Kalyan Sen
Ranjit Sen
Dev Sen
Marie Seton
Asim Shakespeare
Ravi Shankar
Bernard Shaw
David Shepard
Gita Siddharth
Narinder Singh
Indrani Sinha
Vidya Sinha
Lord Sinha
Neil Sinyard
Ramesh Sippy
Steven Spielberg
Raymond Spottiswoode
Russell Square
Anil Srivastava
Edward Steichen
George Steiner
Ian Stephens
Isaac Stern
George Stevens
Ray T Tagore
Sharmila Tagore
Anil Talukdar
Jacques Tati
Robert Taylor
Russell Taylor
Walter Thompson
Edward Thompson
Howard Thompson
James Tod
Daniel Toscan
Kenneth Tynan
Peter Unmade
Ray Unmade
King Vidor
King Wajid
Evelyn Waugh
Evelyn Waughish
Johnny Weissmuller
Rainer Werner
Billy Wilder
John Willett
Sir William
Mike Wilson
Van Winkle
Hugo Wolf
Robin Wood
Susan Wooldridge
Will Workers
William Wyler
Friday, March 4, 2011
Friends of the Devil: The Social Network of Jerry Garcia
Although Jerry Garcia never published a memoir, in 1999 Blair Jackson published a well received biography of the legendary guitarist and songwriter. Here are the names appearing in that book - a proxy for Jerry's social network of friends and influences. Here
The Social Network of Jerry Garcia (from "Garcia-An American Life, 2000, published by Penguin Books; since the original post I have tightened the list by only including names that appear in main text; in other words, those names that appear in endnotes and references have been removed.)
Carolyn Adams |
Lee Adams |
Eddie Adcock |
Lou Adler |
Peter Albin |
Rodney Albin |
Oscar Aleman |
Sandy Alexander |
Duane Allman |
Gregg Allman |
Richard Alpert |
Robert Altman |
Eric Anderson |
Thomas Aquinas |
Louis Armstrong |
Dick Arnold |
Jerome Arnold |
Ken Babbs |
Randy Baker |
Don Baldwin |
Marty Balin |
Hank Ballard |
John Barlow |
Steve Barncard |
Danny Barnett |
Bob Barsotti |
Travis Bean |
Archie Bell |
John Belushi |
Tony Bennett |
Randy Berge |
Irving Berlin |
Chuck Berry |
Ron Bevirt |
William Blake |
Jay Blakesberg |
Michael Bloomfield |
Dick Bogert |
Ron Boise |
James Bond |
Connie Bonner |
Carlos Bookstall |
Pat Boone |
Michael Bowen |
Sonny Boy |
Patricia Boyle |
Ray Bradbury |
Bob Bralove |
Stewart Brand |
Bill Broonzy |
Ben Brown |
James Brown |
John Brown |
Steve Brown |
Page Browning |
Lenny Bruce |
Anita Bryant |
Lord Buckley |
Paul Buckmaster |
Harold Budd |
Sandy Bull |
Eric Burdon |
Dave Burgin |
James Burton |
Richard Burton |
Roger Bush |
Paul Butterfield |
Brendan Byrne |
John Cage |
Clayton Call |
Ellen Callahan |
Paul Camera |
Charlie Campaign |
Marcel Camus |
Curtis Candy |
Gus Cannon |
Betty Cantor |
Jim Capaldi |
Larry Carlton |
Lewis Carroll |
Dick Carter |
Ron Carter |
Jack Casady |
Neal Cassady |
Ellen Cavanaugh |
Charlie Chan |
Ray Charles |
Sam Charters |
Jeff Chimenti |
Jesus Christ |
John Cipollina |
Eric Clapton |
Clarence Clemons |
Jimmy Cliff |
Bill Clifford |
Dennis Clifford |
Patrick Clifford |
Ruth Marie Clifford |
William Henry Clifford |
Bill Clinton |
Lowell Clukas |
Eddie Cochran |
Bruce Cockburn |
Jean Cocteau |
Allen Cohen |
Louis Collins |
John Coltrane |
Brian Connors |
Tom Constanten |
Michael Cooney |
Roger Corman |
Elvis Costello |
Jonathan Cott |
Elizabeth Cotten |
James Cotton |
Audrey Court |
Emily Craig |
Floyd Cramer |
Joe Craven |
Max Creek |
David Crosby |
Susan Crutcher |
John Curl |
John Cutler |
Sam Cutler |
Richard Daley |
Antonio Dalmau |
Roger Daltrey |
Rick Danko |
Gary Davis |
Jesse Davis |
Miles Davis |
Tom Davis |
John Dawson |
Leon Day |
Jack DeJohnette |
Billy DeLyon |
Len Dell |
Louis Demateis |
James Denman |
Vince DiBiase |
Bonnie Dobson |
Tom Donahue |
Bob Drew |
Spencer Dryden |
Frank DuPre |
Judge Michael Dufficy |
Gary Duncan |
Bob Dylan |
Jim Edminston |
Duke Ellington |
Dave Ellis |
Joe Ellis |
Brian Eno |
John Entwistle |
Gary Erickson |
John Estes |
Bill Evans |
Dale Evans |
Carter Family |
Plastic Fantastic |
Richard Favis |
Bob Fees |
Lawrence Ferlinghetti |
Gretchen Fetchin |
Martin Fierro |
Lester Flatt |
Tom Fogerty |
Norm Fontaine |
Betty Ford |
Ernie Ford |
Francis Ford |
Gerald Ford |
Jack Ford |
Paul Foster |
Stephen Foster |
Matthew Fox |
Ken Frankel |
Al Franken |
Ben Franklin |
Bobby Freeman |
David Freiberg |
Bob Fried |
Sarah Fulcher |
Bill Fuller |
Bobby Fuller |
Jesse Fuller |
Cliff Gallup |
David Gans |
Carolyn Garcia |
Daniel Garcia |
Deborah Garcia |
Jerome John Garcia |
Jerry Garcia |
Joe Garcia |
Jose Garcia |
Joseph Garcia |
June Garcia |
Manuel Garcia |
Ruth Garcia |
Ruth Clifford Garcia |
Jimmy Garrison |
Leon Gast |
Marvin Gaye |
Lowell George |
Hunter Gets |
Allen Ginsberg |
Ralph Gleason |
Donna Godchaux |
Keith Godchaux |
Joe Goldmark |
Al Gore |
Tim Gorman |
Bill Graham |
Herb Greene |
Richard Greene |
Robert Greenfield |
Rick Griffin |
David Grisman |
Emmett Grogan |
Gary Gutierrez |
Grace Marie Haddie |
Marie Haddie |
John Haeny |
Bill Haley |
Ann Halprin |
Scott Hambly |
Roy Hamilton |
Oscar Hammerstein |
John Handy |
John Harding |
Ellen Harmon |
George Harrison |
Hank Harrison |
Lenny Hart |
Michael Hart |
Mickey Hart |
John Hartford |
Dave Hassinger |
David Hassinger |
Ronnie Hawkins |
Dan Healy |
Marvin Hedrick |
Hugh Hefner |
Elaine Heise |
Chet Helms |
Jon Hendricks |
Jimi Hendrix |
James Henke |
David Hidalgo |
Miles High |
Chris Hillman |
Beverly Hills |
Warren Hinckle |
Bradley Hodgman |
Albert Hoffman |
Billie Holiday |
Robin Hood |
Edgar Hoover |
Bruce Hornsby |
Ron Howard |
George Howell |
Ron Hubbard |
Paul Humphrey |
Bob Hunter |
George Hunter |
Norman Hunter |
Robert Hunter |
Diane Huntsburger |
John Hurt |
Art Institute |
Doug Irwin |
Charles Ives |
Blair Jackson |
Rex Jackson |
Henry Jacobs |
Mick Jagger |
James Jamerson |
Harry James |
Skip James |
Rick Jarrard |
Keith Jarrett |
Dwight Johnson |
Johnny Johnson |
Casey Jones |
George Jones |
Janis Joplin |
James Joyce |
John Kahn |
Linda Kahn |
Hal Kant |
Paul Kantner |
Karen Kaplan |
Mark Karan |
Heather Katz |
Jerry Kaukonen |
Bill Keith |
David Kemper |
Mike Kennedy |
Stan Kenton |
Roy Kepler |
Jerome Kern |
Jack Kerouac |
Jim Kerwin |
Ken Kesey |
Steve Kimock |
Albert King |
Henry Kissinger |
King Kong |
Deborah Koons |
Fletcher Koons |
John Koons |
Paul Krassner |
Bill Kreutzmann |
Billy Kreutzmann |
Gene Krupa |
Eric Kujawsky |
Jim Kweskin |
Ned Lagin |
Steve Lambrecht |
Debbie Lane |
Perry Lane |
Billy Ray Latham |
Dick Latvala |
Eileen Law |
Timothy Leary |
Marshall Leicester |
John Lennon |
Jill Lesh |
Phil Lesh |
David Letterman |
Lowell Levenger |
Mark Levinson |
Howard Levy |
Jerry Lee Lewis |
Jerry Lewis |
Lee Lewis |
Alex Ligertwood |
Gordon Lightfoot |
Charles Lloyd |
Kurt Loder |
Alan Lomax |
Jose Lopez |
Richard Loren |
Dorothy Love |
George Lucas |
Henry Luce |
John Luther |
Martin Luther |
Billy Lyons |
Gary Lyons |
Shirley MacLaine |
Joseph Magnin |
Charlie Man |
Harvey Mandel |
Steve Marcus |
David Margen |
Grace Marie |
Bob Marley |
George Marsh |
Jim Marshall |
Mike Marshall |
Dean Martin |
Hugh Masakela |
Bob Matthews |
Dave Matthews |
Mary Ann Mayer |
Paul McCartney |
Ed McClanahan |
Michael McClure |
Jimmy McCracklin |
Fred McDowell |
John McFee |
Bobby McGee |
Jon McIntire |
Scott McKenzie |
Phil McKernan |
Ron McKernan |
George McLean |
Larry McMurtry |
Clyde McPhatter |
David McQueen |
Barbara Meier |
Barry Melton |
Sally Van Meter |
Richard Loren Mill |
Glenn Miller |
Jerry Miller |
Steve Miller |
Stephen Dorian Miner |
Charles Mingus |
Bobby Mitchell |
Joni Mitchell |
Bill Monroe |
Charlie Monroe |
Marilyn Monroe |
Vaughn Monroe |
Carl Moore |
Michael Moore |
Dana Morgan |
Dean Moriarty |
Jim Morrison |
Van Morrison |
Victor Moscoso |
Stanley Mouse |
Maria Muldaur |
Anne Murray |
David Murray |
Brent Mydland |
Mark Naftalin |
Graham Nash |
David Nelson |
Ricky Nelson |
Willie Nelson |
Ed Neumeister |
Paul Newman |
Randy Newman |
Roy Nichols |
David Nichtern |
Don Nix |
Richard Nixon |
Ken Nordine |
Barry Olivier |
Keith Olsen |
Ole Opry |
George Orwell |
Ira Oto |
Elaine Pagels |
Steve Parish |
Bonnie Parker |
Dave Parker |
David Parker |
Graham Parker |
Kenneth Patchen |
Les Paul |
Bill Payne |
Sonny Payne |
Ed Pearl |
Herb Pederson |
Dan Penn |
William Penn |
Sergeant Pepper |
Paul Perry |
Bobby Petersen |
Bobby Peterson |
Tom Petty |
John Phillips |
Wilson Pickett |
Mary Pickford |
Courtney Pollack |
Bruce Polonksy |
Elvis Presley |
Lee Quarnstrom |
Don Quixotes |
Chuck Rainey |
Ron Rakow |
Clifford Ramon |
Frederic Ramsey |
Nancy Reagan |
Ronald Reagan |
Donna Reed |
Jerry Reed |
Jimmy Reed |
Lou Reed |
Del Reeves |
Jonathan Reister |
Deborah Remington |
Don Reno |
Paul Revere |
Kenneth Rexroth |
Don Rich |
Keith Richards |
Danny Rifkin |
Johnny Rivers |
Marty Robbins |
Paul Robertson |
Roy Rogers |
Brian Rohan |
Gregg Rolie |
Mickey Rooney |
Franklin Roosevelt |
Tim Rose |
Neil Rosenberg |
Sandy Rothman |
Loren Rowan |
Peter Rowan |
Jerry Rubin |
Todd Rundgren |
Leon Russell |
Nora Sage |
Doug Sahm |
Ira Sandperl |
Carlos Santana |
Jan Sawka |
Phil Sawyer |
Tom Sawyer |
John Scher |
Charles Schulz |
Earl Scruggs |
Gene Sculatti |
Pete Sears |
Roy Seburn |
Mike Seeger |
Pete Seeger |
Bob Seger |
Aimee Semple |
Frank Serratoni |
Ravi Shankar |
Mike Shapiro |
John Shelley |
Allen Shelton |
Jonathan Shore |
Michael Shrieve |
Rick Shubb |
John Sievert |
Jon Sievert |
Steve Silberman |
Paul Simon |
Lee Sims |
Edith Sitwell |
Barry Sless |
Grace Slick |
Harry Smith |
Joe Smith |
Gary Snyder |
King Solomon |
Phil Spector |
Sir Speed |
Paul Speegle |
Owsley Stanley |
Ralph Stanley |
Sue Stephens |
Stephen Stills |
Liz Stires |
Robert Stone |
Scott Stoneman |
Eric Storace |
Don Stover |
Chris Strachwitz |
Jack Straw |
Billy Strayhorn |
Hamilton Street |
Barbra Streisand |
Ed Sullivan |
Donna Summer |
Sue Swanson |
Will Take |
Derek Taylor |
Mick Taylor |
Sonny Terry |
Sam Tessel |
Eric Thompson |
Tom Thumb |
Peter Toluzzi |
Louis Toodleoo |
Dave Torbert |
David Torbert |
Allen Toussaint |
Pete Townshend |
Tony Trischka |
Alan Trist |
Rick Turner |
Ron Tutt |
Mark Twain |
Suzanne Vega |
Gene Vincent |
Bill Vitt |
Kurt Vonnegut |
Howard Wales |
Bill Walker |
George Walker |
Bill Walton |
Wayne Wang |
Rob Wasserman |
Gordon Wasson |
Alan Watts |
John Wayne |
Troy Weidenheimer |
Bob Weir |
Frederick Weir |
Roberta Weir |
Peter Weiss |
Eric Weissberg |
Laurie Welnick |
Vince Welnick |
Jerry Wexler |
Philip Whalen |
Clarence White |
Roland White |
Ron Wickersham |
Hank Williams |
Robin Williams |
Tony Williams |
Winnie Winston |
Steve Winwood |
Tom Wolfe |
Chris Wood |
Frank Lloyd Wright |
Bill Wyman |
Max Yasgur |
Jesse Colin Young |
Neil Young |
Frank Zappa |
Warren Zevon |